Saturday 20 September 2008

Howdy all...

Hello and welcome to my very first (yes, ever) blog posting.

You will more than likely have accessed this through the new and improved The Sentinella website. The relaunch was neccessary, as I begin The Sentinella's expansion across the globe. A decent website is as good a place as any to start. This coupled with a huge marketing campaign (web based of course), should set things nicely in action.
After all, the little mag that fits in your bag wants to make people laugh all over the world - not just in Spain! And when we hit Asia and there's a The Sentinella Hong Kong in circulation, that's when we know we've made it big!
If you want to keep updated about new companies opening in your area, or other Spain related stuff, then sign up for our free newsletter (on the home page).

On a personal note, my life at the moment is rather hectic. I have to endure long drives between El Morche and Mojacar, where I am running another The Sentinella magazine with a friend. But not for long! Nine months in, the journeys are becoming a tad tedious and so we are searching for the right person to take over the edition. Apart from learning more about northerners (there are a lot of them in Mojacar), I have also got to know every curve in the motorway and the exact location of all the speed-traps.

Yes life really is a learning curve. I am concentrating at the moment on personal development and when my busy schedule allows I enjoy getting stuck into the odd book or ten on the subject. Recent feats include Stephen King On Writing (for tips on getting my first novel published), Secret Millionaire Mindsets (in preparation for the first big M that arrives) and The Game of Life & How to Play It. All are highly recommended.

I'm writing this three days before an Easyjet flight to the UK and I am hoping the weather stays dry as I no longer own an umbrella. It's my best friend's wedding. Her first (well you never know)! I was delighted to find the perfect outfit when scouting the shops in El Ingenio only yesterday. It was a shop window moment. There I saw the one. A purple dress with little pink and white flowers smothering the material and a ribbon tied elegantly around the middle. Sounds absolutely hideous from this angel, but it's nice up close, and more importantly, on. The little matching cardi that went with it didn't look too hot though. I looked like a mother, so left it hanging.

You'll no doubt read about my best mate's wedding in a while. That and the pending holiday to Egypt at the end of October, so I'll get out of your face now. Give you some breathing space. Until next time...

Adios xxxx