Sunday 21 December 2008

Virtual Worlds

Hola !

Recently I have become interested in the future of the internet and the concept of entering virtual worlds to do business, meet people, see friends and make money.

Sounds a bit bizarre when you first hear it, but then the internet has started to become a little 'stale'. I mean, it has to develop right ? Something new has to happen in order to spice it up. For me virtual worlds is the answer.

Imagine being someone new for the day - not living your life, but that of Anabelle Motley, for example. She can appear how you want her to, wear the finest or zaniest clothes and even have the funkiest hairstyle (the one you would never dare to have done). She can be everything you want to be, or everything you're glad you're not - it really is up to you. Then you can become an estate agent - buying and selling virtual land. Or perhaps you want to put on a concert and charge people to see it. You can switch businesses and jobs as often as you like in this business and that's what's really cool about it.

Life can never be stale in a Virtual World.

Gem Island is the newest and most talked about virtual world to launch, after Second Life (which has made many millions of dollars..)

Gem Island is similar to networking sites like Facebook and My Space, but now you can also go shopping with your friends, drink a coffee, place bets, go to the casino and play games against each other. You can even open a business and MAKE REAL MONEY. Plus talk to other Associates mobile to mobile for FREE!

Click the link below to join Gem Island for free to begin with, No Obligation at all:

Watch the video first (so you can see what it's all about) then click the JOIN BOX on the right and fill out your details.

You will immediately receive an email from Gem with your username and password details. I´m sure you will FREAK when you see your new Virtual Office with views over GEM Island and many fantastic functions :)

If you want to upgrade and become an Associate with many benefits and income streams you are hereby invited by me. This is highly recommended and you can compare it to "owning a piece of the moon" - in fact even better. It costs only 275€ and there´s no monthly fees. Included are 3 fantastic websites, videos, all kind of tools, the most sophisticated Virtual Office on the internet - and the opportunity to start your own ultimate online business from home and make money on day 1.

A few Associates benefits:

- €100 millions in stocks will be given to us Associates who join here before launch 1st. January

- GEM Lifestyle has already made agreements with major brands that advertise on GEM Island. At least 25% from all advertising revenue goes straight into your pocket. And there are hundreds of other income streams for you ... like when visitors and tourists book 7 star luxury suites, luxury yachts, buy their own virtual race horse, bet on Football, Formula 1, Race Horsing, use the greenest golf courses ever seen, use the most modern conference facilities on the Island etc. etc. etc.

- If you UPGRADE now before the New Year and find 5 free members before Jan 1st, you are activated for commission. Please notice that this is a special offer when you only need to find 5 free members now. And one of them can be yourself. So it is approx. 25% easier to qualify now than after new year !!

- If you find 3 people who become Associates and pay the 275€ each you will become a Ruby Member and earn AT LEAST 275€ per month from Gem and get your investment back before new year**. The next level up is Sapphire and then you will earn at least 2,000€ a month. The third level is Emerald and then you will earn at least 16.000€ per month!

Let me know if you are interested in this part, or if you just want to be a free member. I have all the info and I can ask one of my Team Leaders to give you a call and explain everything in more depth. But in any case you can join for free first anyway ...

My team is looking excellent as I am positioned just below three top network marketers who have more than 14 million contacts between them. You will be positioned next to me and I have a fair few contacts myself through The Sentinella. This is going to be very big!

GEM Lifestyle is the vision of founder and serial entrepreneur Mark Campbell, with a glittering track record of wealth creation in the oil additive, telecoms and gaming sector. Mark Campbell has lead multiple teams of more than 600 employees, managed business divisions exceeding a 300 million euro revenue and with Jazztell was a part of a multi-billion NASDAQ flotation*** (read more about Mark Campbell at the bottom if you want)

Let me know when you have signed up and see you on Gem Island !!

Keidi xx